SCH Number 2011061050
Project Info
- Title
- Devincenzo Tract Map and Conditional Use Permit
- Description
- The project consists of installing a 2 feet high by 5 feet wide concrete double barrel box culvert across an ephemeral drainage that flows into See Canyon Creek. The crossing will provide access to Lot 3 of the Vesting Tract Map TR 2638, submitted with the Notification. Approximately 155 cubic yards of fill will be installed over the culvert to establish final elevation of the driveway. Wing walls and abutments will be constructed of concrete and rock slope protection installed at the inlet and outlet of the culvert. Total project footprint within the drianage is approximately 50 feet wide by 55 feet in length. No work will be conducted when water is present in the channel, and no trees will be affected by the Project.
2 documents in project