SCH Number 2011052008
Project Info
- Title
- Mokelumne Coast to Crest Trail - Middle Bar Segment
- Description
- The proposed project will establish the MCCT Middle Bar segment located on the west slope of the Sierra Nevada in Calaveras County in Central California at an elevation range of ~600 to 1100 feet. Approximately half of the trail will be constructed on existing fire roads and primitive abandoned roads. The remainder of the trail segments will be constructed with a small trail dozer and/or work crews on undeveloped ground. Brushy vegetation will be cleared to a width ranging from 5-12 feet along the trail alignments and the constructed trail width with be 2-5 feet. Work crews using hand tools will be utilized and District staff will also use a Trail Cat dozer where feasible. The proposed trail segment with adjoining river access spurs will be single loop and leaves the potential for establishing a link to another MCCT segment to the east in the future. The proposed work is planned to start in Summer 2011 and the in-service date for the trail segment is anticipated to be in Fall/Winter 2012.
2 documents in project