SCH Number 2011032031
Project Info
- Title
- Dingee Backbone Pipeline Replacement Project
- Description
- The project consists of installing approximately 3-1/2 miles of aging potable water pipeline. A 12,000-foot segment of the Dingee Backbone Pipeline, a primary transmission pipeline that provides water to 18,000 customers located in the Central Oakland Hills, will be replaced in Golden Gate Avenue, Broadway Terrace, Proctor Avenue, and Harbord Drive. A portion of the backbone pipeline will also be relocated to avoid the Hayward Fault zone and a potential earthquake-induced landslide area. Up to 7,100 feet of small diameter distribution pipeline will also be replaced in Contra Costa Road, Roble Road, Proctor Avenue and Agnes Street. The smaller distribution pipelines need to be installed in order to maintain customer service once the existing backbone pipeline is removed from service.
2 documents in project