SCH Number 2011031089
Project Info
- Title
- Expansion and Remodel of Chavez Elementary School
- Description
- Expansion and remodel of existing 13-acre K-6 elementary school into an approximate 34-acre comprehensive K-8 school to accommodate approximately an additional 500 students and 25 staff, which will be performed in phases to allow continued operation of the existing school campus during construction, and which will include: (1) placement of relocatable buildings for temporary classrooms, science lab, locker rooms, and restrooms; (2) rough grading of new building pads and future playfields and construction of two permanent classroom buildings, kitchen building, multi-purpose building, gymnasium building, administration and media center building, two shade shelters, vehicle access road, small parking lot, athletic fields, and hardcourt play areas; (3) remodel of existing administration building into band and drama building, (4) relocation of temporary locker rooms; and (5) removal of temporary classrooms, science lab, remodeled band and drama building, and existing multi-purpose building, steel lunch shelter, and hardcourt play areas.
2 documents in project