SCH Number 2011022020

Project Info

Mammoth Pacific I (MP-1) Replacement Project
Note: Recertified The proposed project would replace the MP-1 geothermal power plant with a new power plant (referred to as "M-1") while maintaining the existing geothermal wellfield, pipeline system and ancillary facilities. During M-1 plant startup operations, the existing MP-l plant would continue to operate until the new M-1 plant becomes commercial, after which time the applicant would close and dismantle the old MP-l plant and would utilize the former plant location for equipment storage. Project approval included Conditional Use Permit 12-004, Variance 12-002, Recreation Plan 12-001 and Clarifying General Plan Amendment 12-003 (b).
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8 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Mono County Mammoth Pacific I (MP-1) Replacement Project
Mono County Mammoth Pacific I (MP-1) Replacement Project
Mono County Mammoth Pacific I (MP-1) Replacement Project
Mono County Mammoth Pacific I (MP-1) Replacement Project
Mono County Mammoth Pacific I (MP-1) Replacement Project
Mono County Mammoth Pacific I (MP-1) Replacement Project
Mono County Mammoth Pacific I (MP-1) Replacement Project
Mono County Mammoth Pacific I (MP-1) Replacement Project