SCH Number 2010111074
Project Info
- Title
- Shawnee CG 7600 Master Plan
- Description
- GPA, Navajo Community Plan Amendment, Rezone, Vesting Tentative Map, Planned Development Permit, Site Development Permit to implement the proposed Shawnee/CG7600 Master Plan redevelopment project ("proposed project"). The 22.88-acre project site is located in the City of San Diego to the east of the San Diego River, and west of Mission Gorge Road at the western terminus of Old Cliffs Road. The existing site includes a small-scale concrete batching plant, vehicle storage, and a towing and salvage yard. The project would redevelop the site with 996 multi-dwelling units, 27 single-dwelling units, 37,500 s.f. of accessory commercial, a 2.57-acre.
2 documents in project