SCH Number 2010092014

Project Info

North Camino Ramon Specific Plan
The proposed ordinance amends to the City Zoning Map to include the North Carolina Ramon Specific Plan (NCRSP) area and adopts the Specific Plan development standards and zoning regulations.
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9 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Ramon North Camino Ramon Specific Plan - Addendum & Iron Horse Village Development Applications
City of San Ramon City Village (BR 6) Amendment to an Approved Major Subdivision (MJ 21-900-002) for Vesting Tentative Map 9576
City of San Ramon North Camino Ramon Specific Plan - Addendum & Development Applications (MJ 21-900-002, DP 21-300-002, AR 21-200-007, & IS 21-250-001)
City of San Ramon Amendment to the North Camino Ramon Specific Plan (SPA 21-800-001) & Addendum to the North Camino Ramon Specific EIR (IS 21-250-001)
City of San Ramon North Camino Ramon Specific Plan
City of San Ramon North Camino Ramon Specific Plan
City of San Ramon North Camino Ramon Specific Plan
City of San Ramon North Camino Ramon Specific Plan
City of San Ramon North Camino Ramon Specific Plan