SCH Number 2010081086
Project Info
- Title
- Andrews Street Bypass Storm Drain Improvements
- Description
- The California Department of Fish and Game is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the Project applicant, Mr. Matt Horn. The applicant proposes to replace an existing stormwater bypass facility. Abutments at the headwall inlet would be increased and the inlet structure would be lengthened to expand its debris-capturing capacity. An existing "rock catcher would be modified to include a low flow channel, the existing trash rack would be replaced with a larger trash rack, and the inlet would be enlarged and moved upstream to more efficiently collect debris. Quarter-ton rock slope protection (RSP) boulders would be used to build two (2) cross-vane weir erosion control structures in Andrews Creek upstream from the bypass facility, and vegetated RSP would be installed downstream from the rock catcher to reduce erosion. Debris and accumulated sediment would be removed to restore channel capacity and the bypass outlet to San Luis Obispo Creek. Equipment used will include a front-end loader, backhoe, and tracked excavator.
2 documents in project