SCH Number 2010051012

Project Info

William Lyon Home's Alderwood Residential Project
The applicant seeks approval to develop the site with up to 48 detached single-family homes on approximately 6.2 gross acres. Applications submitted in support of the project include a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Tentative Tract Map, Master Plan, and Park Plan. The General Plan Amendment and Zone Change applications each propose to change the property's existing land use deisgnation from Institutional to Residential, increase the allowable number of residential units, and decrease the non-residential square footage limits, by amending applicable tables and exhibits.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Irvine William Lyon Home's Alderwood Residential Project
City of Irvine William Lyon Home's Alderwood Residential Project
City of Irvine William Lyon Home's Alderwood Residential Project
City of Irvine William Lyon Home's Alderwood Residential Project