SCH Number 2010042042

Project Info

Cherry Orchard Ranch General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Affordable Housing Exemption & Conditional Use Permit
General Plan Amendment to Low Density Residential, rezone to R-1 Planned Unit Development, use permit for 349 modular homes; affordable housing exemption under the Gilroy Residential Development Ordinance. Grading within a floodway to raise development site and create floodway/storm water detention capacity.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Gilroy Cherry Orchard Ranch General Plan Amendment and Residential Development (GPA 09-01; ZC 09-03; AHE 09-01; CUP 09-02)
City of Gilroy Cherry Orchard Ranch General Plan Amendment and Residential Development (GPA 09-01; ZC 09-03; AHE 09-01; CUP 09-02)