SCH Number 2009122075

Project Info

San Francisco Groundwater Supply Project
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission is proposing a project which provides an average of four million gallons per day of groundwater to San Francisco's municipal water supply Groundwater would be blended with San Francisco's existing municipal water supply system for distribution within San Francisco. The project consists of the construction and operation of six potable groundwater well facilities - two that would be converted from existing irrigation well facilities and four that would be newly constructed. Each facility would include a groundwater production well and a pump station. The SFPUC would also construct a distribution system (including pipelines and connection points) that would connect five of the well facilities to Sunset Reservoir; the sixth well would connect to the existing Lake Merced Pump Station, and would require a short length of distribution piping to make this connection. The groundwater would be pumped from the North Westside Groundwater Basin, which is located within the larger Westside Groundwater Basin and underlies parts of San Francisco and San Mateo Counties.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City and County of San Francisco San Francisco Groundwater Supply Project
City and County of San Francisco San Francisco Groundwater Supply Project
City and County of San Francisco San Francisco Groundwater Supply Project
City and County of San Francisco San Francisco Groundwater Supply Project