SCH Number 2009102073
Project Info
- Title
- Sheldon and Waterman Tentative Subdivision Map
- Description
- The Applicant is proposing: - A rezone from AG-80 (General Agriculture) to AR-2 (Agricultural-Residential Zone 2 Acres Min.); and - A tentative subdivision map to divide the existing single 118 +/- acre parcel and create 26 new lots (ranging from 2-4 acres in size) and one remainder open space lot (~50 acres in size). The proposed project does not include development of the 26 new residential parcels beyond grading and construction of improvements (e.g., roads, utilities, storm water drainage). It is anticipated that the lots will be sold and developed as custom homes by future individual property owners. The desgin of the subdivision is divided into two sub-areas - the east and west sides acre remainder lot. The east side consists of six 2 acre lots and the 50 +/- acre remainder lot. The entire eastern side of the project site is proposed for development. A total of 20 lots would be created in this portion of the project site. All would take access off of a loop road with two access points off of Sheldon Road. The project includes the establishment of two multiuse trail corridors. The first would be located directly underneath the power line corridor on the western-most side of the property. The second would be located directly east of Laguna Creek. As part of this project, the western power line trail will be developed.
2 documents in project