SCH Number 2009071006

Project Info

Downtown Long Beach Community Plan (EIR-04-08)
Note: Review per lead The proposed Project is the adoption and implementation of the Long Beach Downtown Plan to replace the existing zoning, and planned development districts with the Downtown Plan becoming the land use and design document for all future development. The Downtown Plan incorporates zoning, development standards, and design guidelines. Full implementation of the Downtown Plan is intended to increase the density and intensity of existing Downtown land uses by allowing compatible additional development over the next 25 years.
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16 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Long Beach Queen Beach Residential Project
City of Long Beach 615 E. Ocean Boulevard Project (SPR22-115) (City of Long Beach Downtown Plan [EIR 04-08])
City of Long Beach Compliance Checklist (PECC-06-22) for the 335 Pacific Avenue Residential Project
City of Long Beach Compliance Checklist (PECC-06-22) for the 335 Pacific Avenue Residential Project
City of Long Beach The Mosaic Project (App. No. 2205-32, EIRA-02-22) (City of Long Beach Downtown Plan [EIR-04-08])
City of Long Beach 711 Pine Avenue Residential Project (App. No. 2008-26) (City of Long Beach Downtown Plan [EIR-04-08])
City of Long Beach The Mosaic Project (App. No. 2205-32, EIRA 02-22) (City of Long Beach Downtown Plan [EIR04-08])
City of Long Beach 923 and 927 Long Beach Boulevard Project (PECC 01-22) (City of Long Beach Downtown Plan [EIR 04-08])
City of Long Beach 810 Pine Avenue (PECC 01-19) (City of Long Beach Downtown Plan EIR 04-08)
City of Long Beach Downtown Plan PEIR Land Use Equivalency Program and 7th/Locust Development Downtown Plan EIR Addendum (EIRA 06-20) (City of Long Beach Downtown Plan [EIR04-08])
City of Long Beach Downtown Plan PEIR Land Use Equivalency Program and 7th/Locust Development Downtown Plan EIR Addendum (EIRA 06-20) (City of Long Beach Downtown Plan [EIR04-08])
City of Long Beach 525 East Broadway Project (PECC 02-21) (City of Long Beach Downtown Plan [EIR 04-08])
City of Long Beach 525 East Broadway Project (PECC 02-21) (City of Long Beach Downtown Plan [EIR 04-08])
City of Long Beach 3rd and Pacific Modified Project (City of Long Beach Downtown Plan [EIR 04-08])
City of Long Beach Downtown Long Beach Community Plan (EIR-04-08)
City of Long Beach Downtown Long Beach Community Plan (EIR-04-08)