SCH Number 2009052078

Project Info

Bank Stabilization Work on San Mateo Creek
Chuck Lebo (Applicant) is proposing to remove a demolished concrete stone wall, stabilize the bank and reestablish the original contours of the bank side slopes on San Mateo Creek on Bridge Road in Hillsborough. Project activities include installation of approximately two tons of rock riprap at the toe of the slope immediately downstream of and adjacent to the cinder block wall for approximately 30-lienar feet. The rock riprap is proposed to be keyed into the bed at a depth of 3-4 feet and would extend to a height of approximately 6-feet above the creek bed. The existing old demolished concrete stonewall is proposed to be removed during the excavation of soil to key in the rock riprap. Native willow cuttings and other native riparian species will be planted between the riprap gaps. Soil will be placed behind the rock toe to recontour the bank to the preexisting 2:1 slope. San Mateo Creek will be diverted around the project site utilizing a piping and pump system as necessary to maintain downstream flows. The California Department of Fish and Game is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement Number 1600-2009-0010-3 pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game code to the project Applicant, Chuck Lebo.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Town of Hillsborough 222 Bridge Road, Hillsborough CA - Bank Stabilization Work on an Eroded Section of San Mateo Creek
Town of Hillsborough 222 Bridge Road, Hillsborough CA - Bank Stabilization Work on an Eroded Section of San Mateo Creek
Town of Hillsborough Bank Stabilization Work on San Mateo Creek