SCH Number 2009022055

Project Info

Humboldt State University Aquatic Center, Floating Dock
Authorize the following determinations, required by Chapter 1086, Statutes of 1970, as applying to the lease amendment between the City of Eureka and the Trustees of the California State University; on file in the principal office of the Commission and by reference made a part hereof: a) that said lease amendment is in accordance with the terms of the grant under which title to the lands in question are held by the City of Eureka; b) that said lease amendment is in the best interest of the state pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 2, Section 2802.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Cal Poly Humboldt Consider Approval of a Lease Amendment Between the City of Eureka and the Trustees of the California State University Involving Granted Sovereign Land Pursuant
Cal Poly Humboldt Humboldt State University Aquatic Center, Floating Dock
Cal Poly Humboldt California State University, Humboldt State University, HSU Aquatic Center Floating Dock
Cal Poly Humboldt Humboldt State University Aquatic Center, Floating Dock