SCH Number 2008092012

Project Info

Lovelady Mine Gravel Extraction Project
The CDFG is executing Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2007-0175-R2, pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, David McCosker, representing Lovelady Ranch LLC and Little Stony LLC. This project will extract of sand and gravel from the stream bed of Little Stony Creek on property owned or operated by Lovelady Ranch LLc and Little Stony LLc. Where native riparian shrubs or trees such as cottonwoods and willows are removed, they will be counted and revegetated on site in the fall. All wet and dry stream channels will be retained. Wet depressions and ponded areas will remain undisturbed. Up to 5 temporary crossings with culverts will be installed to allow construction equipment to cross active channels in Little Stony Creek. The culverts will be placed at, or below streambed grade and all fill will be made using washed gravels from the site. The temporary crossings will be removed from the creek bed every year at the Cessation of extraction and restoration activities. The volume of gravel removed annually will be no more than 25,000 cubic yards and will be established annually by the DFG in writing through annual review of replenishment of gravel to the site. Work in the Goat Mountain Road area shall be limitied to truck traffic on existing haul and access roads to avoid impacts to sensitive species.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Colusa County Lovelady Ranch Gravel Extraction
Colusa County UP #07-1-5, (ED#07-10), Lovelady Ranch/Little Stony
Colusa County Lovelady Mine Gravel Extraction Project