SCH Number 2008042018

Project Info

Winters Putah Creek Nature Park / Floodplain Restoration and Recreational Access Project
Approval of Encroachment Permits No. 19047 and 19047-1, under CA Code of Regulations, Title 23, section 6, for work within an adopted plan of flood control under the CVFPB's jurisdiction, including within a Regulated Stream (Table 8.1; Title 23, Div. 1, Article 8). The project includes regrading the existing Putah Creek floodplain, fill-in the south branch of the low-flow channel, create a side channel lined with spawning gravel, and realign the low-flow channel to a more natural condition and removal and replanting of vegetation.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Winters Winters Putah Creek Nature Park / Floodplain Restoration and Recreational Access Project
City of Winters Winters Putah Creek Nature Channel Restoration
City of Winters Winters Putah Creek Nature Park / Floodplain Restoration and Recreational Access Project
City of Winters Winters Putah Creek Nature Park / Floodplain Restoration and Recreational Access Project
City of Winters Winters Putah Creek Nature Park / Floodplain Restoration and Recreational Access Project