SCH Number 2008041095

Project Info

Kruse Minor Residential Subdivision (2 Lots) TPM 21031RPL^1; Log No. 06-09-020
The proposed project is to subdivide 4.67 gross acres into two residential parcels, ranging in size from 2.01 to 2.10 net acres. Parcel 1 contains an existing single-family residence. The property is located in the Ramona Community Plan Area, and is subject to the General Plan Category of 1.3 Estate Development Area (EDA) and Designation of (17) Estate Residential, which requires 1 du per 2 or 4 acres, depending upon slope. The property is zoned A70 with a minimum lot size of 2 acres. The project will be served by septic and water would be provided by the Ramona Municipal Water District. The applicant will be required to mitigate for impacts to 2.88 acres of interior live oak chaparral.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Diego County Kruse Minor Subdivision (2 Lots); TPM 21031RPL1
San Diego County Kruse Minor Residential Subdivision (2 Lots) TPM 21031RPL^1; Log No. 06-09-020