SCH Number 2008031007

Project Info

Yerba Buena Avenue Diversion Pipe Project ED07-114 (300358)
The California Department of Fish and Game is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, Mr. Dave Flynn. The proposed project would install a culvert inlet in the County right-of-way adjacent to an existing culvert inlet on Yerba Buena Creek. The inlet would consist of a concrete weir structure and headwall, and would be connected to a 36" diameter high density polyethylene pipe located under Yerba Buena Avenue and daylighting on the bank of Santa Margarita Creek on private property. The outlet would consist of a duck bill outlet structure with wing walls built into the right bank of the creek, lined with 56 cubic yards of rock slope protection positioned in place using a backhoe or excavator, then backfilled with native soil. Work would occur when the project sites are dry and devoid of surface flow. The project is needed to improve drainage and divert higher flows through the new culvert pipe to reduce local flooding at and around the project site.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Luis Obispo County Yerba Buena Avenue Diversion Pipe Project ED07-114 (300358)
San Luis Obispo County Yerba Buena Avenue Diversion Pipe Project ED07-114 (300358)
San Luis Obispo County Yerba Buena Avenue Diversion Pipe Project ED07-114 (300358)