SCH Number 2007122007

Project Info

Corralitos Creek Fisheries Enhancement Project
The City of Watsonville proposes to build a new 120-foot V-section pool and weir type fish passage ladder on the right bank of Corralitos Creek adjacent to the existing fish ladder with parallel ladders side by side to accommodate juvenile and adult fish passage. The existing fish ladder facility wil be filled and covered with concrete. The right bank steel wall which supports the existing structure will be removed and replaced with a new concrete wall. Log weirs downstream of the existing fish passage strucure will be removed and replaced with 5 rock weirs. The City also porposes to remove the intake structure surrounding the screened intake pipes and build a new one.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Watsonville Corralitos Creek Fisheries Enhancement Project
City of Watsonville Corralitos Creek Fisheries Enhancement Project
City of Watsonville Corralitos Creek Fisheries Enhancement Project