SCH Number 2007121049

Project Info

CUP19-0016 Imperial Landfill, Inc.
Applicant has requested to Amend Conditional Use Permit #07-0027 for the Allied Imperial Landfill to allow for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) to be deposited at the landfill that originates from outside of Imperial County. The proposed CUP Amendment would allow up to 1,200 tons per day from locations in San Diego, Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside counties (outside of Imperial County). The total tons per day for all waste would not exceed the current maximum tons as per contained in Condition 1.1.1 of CUP #07-0027 or the Final EIR for CUP #07-0027 (SCH No. 2007121049), nor would it exceed the maximum of 1,700 tons per day as allowed through the approved Solid Waste Facility Permit 13-AA-0019. There are no other changes to the CUP or operations of the landfill being proposed.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Imperial County CUP19-0016 Imperial Landfill, Inc.
Imperial County Variance TWW-2021-DF-00063 to Allow the Disposal of Treated Wood Waste under Alternate Procedures by Imperial Landfill, Inc.
Imperial County Concurrence in the Issuance of a Revised Solid Waste Facilities Permit for (Allied) Imperial Landfill in Imperial County, SWIS No. 13-AA-0019
Imperial County Allied Imperial Landfill Expansion Project GP 07-0009, ZC 07-0009, CUP 07-0027, V 07-0009, IS 07-0048
Imperial County GPA/ZC/Variance/Conditional Use Permit #07-0027 (Imperial Landfill Expansion Project)
Imperial County GPA/ZC/Variance/Conditional Use Permit #07-0027 (Imperial Landfill Expansion Project)
Imperial County Imperial Landfill Plan