SCH Number 2007101109
Project Info
- Title
- McCarrell/Barkentine Canyon Storm Drain Project
- Description
- The California Department of Fish and Game is issuing an Agreement Regarding Proposed Stream or Lake Alteration (SAA #1600-2008-0116-R5) to the project proponent, (City of Rancho Palos Verdes). The applicant proposes to alter the streambed and banks through the construction of a new inlet structure at eh base of the McCarrell Canyon to replace the existing inlet structure to improve the storm drain system. The applicant proposes to design a storm water drainage system to pipe storm water collected from both the McCarrell and Barkentine Canyons above Palos Verdes Drive South (PVDS). The storm drain system is proposed within a portion of Sea Gate Drive in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, Los Angeles County, California.
2 documents in project