SCH Number 2007091097
Project Info
- Title
- Slack Area Wastewater Collection System
- Description
- The proposed project would install approx. 9,000 linear ft. (LF) of 8-inch vitrified clay pipe (VCP) sewer mains and approx. 38 manholes, of which approx. 1,300 LF and six manholes (disturbing approx. 1.5 acres) would be constructed in unpaved easements at the southern end of the project area. A concrete-lined channel at the southern terminus of 3rd St. may be disturbed. The majority of the project would be constructed in paved streets. The sewer would be constructed with a minimum depth of cover of seven feet unless special construction is required. Manhole spacing would be 350 feet or less and manholes would be required at the end of each line, at a change in grade or sewer main size, at a change in alignment, or at any intersection of two or more sewer mains.
2 documents in project