SCH Number 2007082036

Project Info

M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Fish Screen Facility Short-term Protection Project
The Proposed Project involves implementation of an additional dredge operation on the Sacramento River at approximately River Mile 192.5, which is intended to maintain viability of the M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho pumping facility, including meeting existing fish screen criteria and water delivery obligations. The Subsequent IS/SMND has been prepared in consideration of changed conditions or new data/information that has been collected since the approval of a Final Environmental Assessment/Initial Study and MND in Oct. 2007 for the M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Pumping Plant Maintenance of Channel Alignment Sacramento River Mile 192.5.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
United States Fish and Wildlife (FWS) M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Fish Screen Facility Short-term Protection Project
United States Fish and Wildlife (FWS) M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Pumping Plant Maintenance of Channel Alignment Sacramento River Mile 192.5
United States Fish and Wildlife (FWS) M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Pumping Plant Maintenance of Channel Alignment Sacramento River Mile 192.5
United States Fish and Wildlife (FWS) M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Pumping Plant Maintenance of Channel Alignment Sacramento River Mile 192.5
United States Fish and Wildlife (FWS) M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Pumping Plant Maintenance of Channel Alignment Sacramento River Mile 192.5