SCH Number 2007072020

Project Info

Palomino Place Project
The proposed project would demolish two on-site duplex buildings and barn, followed by residential development, comprised of a total of 163 new units, consisting of cottages, half-plex townhomes, single-family residences, and multi-family apartments. The existing ranch home would be retained and renovated. Proposed recreational facilities would include a pool complex and USA Pentathlon Training Facility. The project would also consist of new on-site roadways; associated utility improvements; and open space, landscaping, and trails. The project would require the following entitlements from the City: Site Plan and Architectural Review, Vesting Tentative Map, and an Affordable Housing Plan.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Davis Palomino Place Project
City of Davis Wildhorse Ranch Proposal
City of Davis Wildhorse Ranch
City of Davis Wildhorse Ranch
City of Davis Wildhorse Ranch