SCH Number 2007071094
Project Info
- Title
- Las Encinas Hospital 2007 Master Development Plan
- Description
- In anticipation of the needs of the City of Pasadena and surrounding communities, the 2007 master Development PLan seeks to augment existing senior services by increasing assisted living beds from the current 9 beds to a total of 81 beds and increasing independent living units from 85 existing to 230 total units. The proposes project would provide expanded medical (psychiatric) office space from the existing 15 units (14,174 sf) to 31 total offic units (an additional 45,407 sf). In addition, a new psychiatrict hospital would be constructed to consolidate psychiatric patient care in a single, secure facility affording greater security to the neighborhood and modern facilities for staff and patient care. The new psychiatrict hospital woul also consolidate adolescent care facilities. Residential treatment programs and chemical dependency would be consolidated from the 68 existing beds located in 6 different buildings to accommodate 38 beds in a single facility (Gables Building 7), a reduction of 30 beds. adolescent psychiatry would be consolidated into a single building accommodating. 28 beds in the central portion of the campus south of the existing hospital building. Approximately 15 existing buildings are proposed to be removed.
3 documents in project