SCH Number 2007011024

Project Info

Draft Irvine Business Complex (IBC) Vision Plan and Mixed Use Overlay Zoning Code (Planning Area 36)
A General Plan Amendment to adopt the IBC Mixed Use Community Vision Plan objectives and policies, and establish a cap of 15,000 dwelling units for the IBC area (excluding density bonus units pursuant to state law), with an offsetting reduction of non-residential office equivalency square footage in General Plan Table A-1, for units under the cap that have not yet been approved. A Zoning Ordinance Amendment; A Municipal Code Amendment; An Amendment to the City's Park Standards Manual; A program of optimizing land uses in the IBC unbuilt IBC Zoning Potential and Approvals; An Amendment to the City's Local Coastal Plan; A program of infrastructure Improvements; A set design criteria included in the IBC Vision Plan.
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14 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Irvine Master Plan Modification (00911837-PMPC)
City of Irvine Conditional Use Permit 00920017-PCPM to Renew an Expiring Project Approval for a 370-room congregate care facility
City of Irvine Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) No. 2023-103 (File No. 00897824-PTff
City of Irvine Commercial Master Plan for a new, 16,538-square-foot, two-story office building, with a Transfer of Development Rights (File No. 00891064-PMPC )
City of Irvine Phase 3 Elements Mixed-Use Project - Conditional Use Permit (00874834-PCPU)
City of Irvine McGaw Residential - Vesting Tentative Tract Map 19226 (00858546-PTT) and Park Plan (00859284-PPP)
City of Irvine Conditional Use Permit 00853522-PCPU for an extended stay hotel with Administrative Relief
City of Irvine McGaw Residential - Vesting Tentative Tract Map 19226 (00858546-PTT), Park Plan (00859284-PPP), and Conditional Use Permit (00853770-PCPU)
City of Irvine Conditional Use Permit (File No. 00820914-PCPU) and Park Plan (File No. 00820952-PPP) for Cartwright Affordable Apartments
City of Irvine Draft Irvine Business Complex (IBC) Vision Plan and Mixed Use Overlay Zoning Code (Planning Area 36)
City of Irvine Draft Irvine Business Complex (IBC) Vision Plan and Mixed Use Overlay Zoning Code (Planning Area 36)
City of Irvine Draft Irvine Business Complex (IBC) Vision Plan and Mixed Use Overlay Zoning Code (Planning Area 36)
City of Irvine Draft Irvine Business Complex (IBC) Vision Plan and Mixed Use Overlay Zoning Code (Planning Area 36)
City of Irvine Draft Irvine Business Complex (IBC) Vision Plan and Mixed Use Overlay Zoning Code (Planning Area 36)