SCH Number 2006102058

Project Info

City of Modesto Tuolumne Riverbank Restoration
The city of Modesto proposes to make repairs and add riverbank protection measures to sections of the northwestern bank of the Tuolumne River that were damaged by recent high flows from upstream releases. The State Lands Commission action is a 20-year General Lease - Public Agency Use through March 28, 2032.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Modesto City of Modesto Tuolumne Riverbank Restoration
City of Modesto City of Modesto Tuolumne Riverbank Restoration
City of Modesto City of Modesto Tuolumne Riverbank Restoration
City of Modesto City of Modesto Tuolumne Riverbank Restoration
City of Modesto City of Modesto Tuolumne Riverbank Restoration