SCH Number 2006091161

Project Info

Drilling and Equipping Wells 30 and 31
The project consists of constructing, equipping, and operating two domestic water production wells in the City of Colton on two adjacent City-owned parcels. The project is anticipated to include the following activities: site clearing and fencing; drilling the wells, casing the wells, developing the wells using air-lift equipment, and testing of the wells using a temporary diesel-driven pump; disposing of development and testing water; installing pumping units, motors, electrical switchgear, and electrical power service, installing valves, site piping, and appurtenances; installing disinfection facilities; installing discharge piping from pump discharges to Ashley Way (northerly of the project site); painting of aboveground facilities; constructing enclosures for protection of aboveground facilities; disinfecting the wells; start-up of the well pumping plants; and operating the wells and well pumping plants. Development, testing, and operational water discharges will be discharged to an onsite storm drain inlet leading to the Reche Canyon Channel, located adjacent to and southerly of the project site.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Colton Drilling and Equipping Wells 30 and 31
City of Colton Drilling and Equipping Wells 30 and 31