SCH Number 2006091057

Project Info

Trails, Picnic Areas, and Campground Accessibility Improvement Project
The proposed project includes Americans with Disability Act (ADA) compliance improvements to Saddleback Butte State Park. The project includes trails, picnic areas, and campground accessibility improvements at various sites within Saddleback Butte State Park. The project will result in the development of 0.54 acre considered habitat for Mohave ground squirrel (Spermophilus mohavensis), a species designated as threatened under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). The permit referenced above authorizes incidental take of the species under CESA that may result with implementation of the project.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Parks and Recreation Saddleback Butte State Park Accessibility Improvement Project (Issuance of California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit 2081-2007-021-05)
California Department of Parks and Recreation Geotechnical Investigation
California Department of Parks and Recreation Trails, Picnic Areas, and Campground Accessibility Improvement Project
California Department of Parks and Recreation Trails, Picnic Areas, and Campground Accessibility Improvement Project