SCH Number 2006061101
Project Info
- Title
- General Plan Amendment 04-05, Zone Change 04-06, Tentative Tract Map 62757
- Description
- The proposed project involves the development of 160 acres of vacant land with 650 single family dwellings. The project site is currently designated in the City's General Plan as non-urban (NU) residential and zoned as RR-2.5, which would permit approximately 64 units on the project site with minimum lot sizes of 2.5 acres. The proposed project includes the approval of Tentative Tract Map Number 62757 and an associated General Plan Amendment and Zone Change. The proposed General Plan designation would be urban residential (UR) and the zoning R-7,000 which would permit one dwelling unit on a minimum of a 7,000 square foot lot. The gross density of the proposed project including streets, landscaping, open space, flood control and streets is 4.06 dwelling units per acre.
3 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
FIN | City of Lancaster | General Plan Amendment 04-05, Zone Change 04-06, Tentative Tract Map 62757 | |
EIR | City of Lancaster | General Plan Amendment 04-05, Zone Change 04-06, Tentative Tract Map 62757 | |
NOP | City of Lancaster | General Plan Amendment 04-05, Zone Change 04-06, Tentative Tract Map 062757 |