SCH Number 2006052096

Project Info

Grizzly Ranch Development, Intake Pipe Installation Project
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) has petitioned for a point of re-diversion for water released from Grizzly Valley Dam (Lake Davis) under Permits 15254 and 15255 (Applications 16950 and 21443). Water will be re-diverted by Plumas County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (Plumas County) for the Grizzly Ranch Development. The water diversion pipe will have a fish screen and metering station. The metered flow will be continuously recorded and will not exceed the additional volume being discharged from the dam. The water will be pumped to a large pond within the development and used for golf course irrigation.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Plumas County Department of Water Resources Water Right Petitions to Add a Point of Re-diversion to Serve the Grizzly Ranch Development
Plumas County Grizzly Ranch Development, Intake Pipe Installation Project
Plumas County Grizzly Ranch Development, Intake Pipe Installation Project
Plumas County Grizzly Ranch Development, Intake Pipe Installation Project
Plumas County Grizzly Ranch Development, Intake Pipe Installation Project