SCH Number 2006051110

Project Info

The Preserve at San Juan
The EIR analyzed development and operation of 72 two-story single-family residence sand associated internal circulation, external access improvements, on-site wastewater treatment systems, internal landscaping, and fuel modification zones, along with dedicated open space on the 584.1 acre project site. Development is proposed in two phases. Phase 1 (south parcel) of the project would develop 43 single-family residences on approx. 108.6 acres and 281 acres would be dedicated to open space. Phase 2 (north parcel) would develop 29 single-family residences on approx. 60.9 acres and 133.6 acres would be dedicated to open space. The total onsite project area includes 584.1 acres and the project proposes improvements to 168.5 of those acres. The remaining 414.6 acres (71 percent of the project area) would remain undeveloped open space. The proposed project includes a General Plan land use designation change from Open Space (5) to Rural Residential (1A); and a zone change from General Agricultural (A1) to Agricultural Residential (AR). Water supplies to the proposed project would be supplied through an existing pipeline that runs adjacent to the site, and approx. 133.4 acres of the project site that would require potable water would be annexed into the Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District, Western Municipal Water District, and Metropolitan Water District service areas.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Orange County The Preserve at San Juan PA 130026, LUE 17-01, ZC 17-01
Orange County The Preserve at San Juan
Orange County The Preserve at San Juan
Orange County The Preserve at San Juan
Orange County The Preserve at San Juan
Orange County The Preserve at San Juan