SCH Number 2006022028
Project Info
- Title
- Sanctuary Island Master Development Plan Project
- Description
- Final EIR (EIR5-05) and CEQA Findings, Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Monitoring/Reporting Program; General Plan Amendment to amend the General Plan designation from Village to Mixed Use (GPA6-05); Approve the Sanctuary Master Development Plan (MDP1-05); Prezoning to Mixed Use (Z-6-05); Development Agreement (DA3-05); and annexation to the Cit. of Stockton and the Stockton East Water Dist., detachment from the Woodbridge Rural Fire Protection Dist., San Joaquin Co. Resource Conservation Dist., and Cit. Service Area 54-Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (A-05-3), for property located west of I-5 between Bear Creek, Mosher Slough and Disappointment Slough on the north, and Fourteen Mile Slough and Five Mile Slough on the south.
3 documents in project