SCH Number 2005121184
Project Info
- Title
- Agricultural Park Tract Maps T-31541 and T-28987
- Description
- Planning Case P04-0851: Proposal by Friends of Riverside Airport, LLC for Tract Map 31541, a proposal to subdivide approximately 16 acres into 58 lots situated the north and south sides of the future extension of Jurupa Avenue, between Crest and Rutland Avenues in the RA-Residential Agricultural (tentative R-1-65-Single Family Residential) Zone. Planning Case P05-1474: Proposal by Friends of Riverside Airport, LLC to amend the Municipal Code (Title 19) to rezone approximately 16 vacant acres, situated on the north and south sides of future extension of Jurupa Avenue, between Crest and Rutland Avenues, from the RA-Residential Agricultural Zone to the R-1-65 Single Family Residential Zone. Planning Case P03-0840: Proposal for a General Plan Amendment by Friends of Riverside Airport, LLC, to amend the land use designation of approximately 16 vacant acres situated on the north and south sides of the future extension of Jurupa Avenue, between Crest and Rutland Avenues from PKP-Public Park to RMD-Medium Density Residential. Planning Case P05-0474: Proposal by the Friends of Riverside Airport, LLC, for a time extension request for Tract Map 28987, a proposal to subdivide approximately 33 acres into 109 lots situated on the north and south sides of the future extension of Jurupa Avenue, between Crest and Rutland Avenues in the RA-Residential Agricultural (tentative R-1-65-Single Family Residential) Zone. First amendment to exchange, disposition and development agreement regarding the agricultural park located between Crest and Rutland Avenues.
3 documents in project