SCH Number 2005121076
Project Info
- Title
- Venice Pumping Plant Sluice Gate Replacement
- Description
- The Department of Public Works proposes to replace an aging, damaged sluice gate that would threaten the efficient and safe conveyance of sanitary sewer flows if not implemented. Although not an emergency, the project is preventative in nature; its implementation would reduce the likelihood of system malfunction in the near future. The existing sluice gate is located within the Venice (Sewage) Pumping Plant (VPP) and has been in place since the plant's construction in 1959. The gate is used to control the flow of wastewater through the plant, an effectively functioning gate allows plant operators to manage the volume and speed of wastewater through the system. The existing gate is badly corroded and is incapable of being operated effectively. A new gate is intended to enhance the efficiency and safe operation of the plant -- this is particularly important given the plant's currently taxed capacity and the likelihood that it will continue to receive an increasingly greater volume of sewage flow in the future. In order to replace the gate, the sewage flow, which currently goes through the VPP, must be redirected to temporarily bypass the plant. Sewage flow bypass or diversion would be implemented by installation of pumping equipment on the bank of the Grand Canal at two existing maintenance hole locations, and by conveyance of the diverted flow via a temporary bypass pipeline also placed above-ground along the canal (Esplanade), from Driftwood Street to Hurricane Street. The pump sets and bypass pipeline would be in place for approximately four months, and in operation for approximately one month. During the four month period, the Driftwood Street/Strongs Drive intersection will be temporarily closed to through traffic.
2 documents in project