SCH Number 2005101069

Project Info

LVMWD Proposed Mulholland Highway Potable Waterlines Improvements
The proposed modifications are divided into two phases. Phase 1A includes new pipeline (10 and 12 inch diameter) within the Mulholland Highway right-of-way between Old Topanga Canyon Road and Dry Canyon-Cold Creek Road (5,800 feet). Phase 1B includes new pipeline (10-inch diameter) within the Mulholland Highway right-of-way from the Cold Canyon Pump Station near the Cold Canyon/Mulholland Highway intersection east to the Stunt Road/Mulholland Highway intersection (4040 feet). Phase 2 involves the installation of three segments of 10-inch diamter pipeline. The northern portion would extend from the Mountain Park Drive / Mulholland Highway intersection northeast to the Valley View Road / Mulholland Highway intersection (2,200 feet).
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Las Virgenes Municipal Water District LVMWD Proposed Mulholland Highway Potable Waterlines Improvements
Las Virgenes Municipal Water District LVMWD Proposed Mulholland Highway Potable Waterlines Improvements