SCH Number 2005072019
Project Info
- Title
- Franklin Boulevard Widening Project
- Description
- The project will widen Franklin Boulevard from five lanes to six lanes and a portion of Franklin Boulevard from three lanes to six lanes. Elk Grove Boulevard would be widened approximately 24 feet on the south side (eastbound) between the UPRR overcrossing and Franklin Boulevard, a distance of approximately 0.25 mile. Franklin Boulevard would be widened approximately 26 feet on the west from its intersection with Elk Grove Boulevard south to approximately 80 feet south of Poppy Ridge Road, a distance of approximately 1.1 mile, to provide for a six lane arterial with median landscaping. The proposed improvements to Elk Grove Boulevard would being at the UPRR overhead structure and end at the intersection of Franklin Boulevard and Elk Grove Boulevard. Some minor road re-striping would occur on the UPRR overhead structure and on the eastbound lanes of Elk Grove Bouevard west of the overhead structure to its intersection with Four Winds Drive. The proposed improvements to Franklin Boulevard would begin at and include the intersection of Franklin Boulevard and Elk Grove Boulevard, and extend to the south approximately 80 feet south of the Franklin Boulevard and Poppy Ridge Road intersection. The existing lanes on Franklin Boulevard would become the utlimate three northbound lanes, median, and one southbound lane, while two new southbound lanes and two bus turnouts added to the west side of the existing road. Seven existing oak trees on the west side of Franklin Bouevard would need to be removed, and an intermittent open earthen storm water drainage ditch running adjacent to most of the west side of existing Franklin Boulevard would be filled to accommodate the new southbound lanes and bus turnouts.
2 documents in project