SCH Number 2005062141

Project Info

Arana Gluch Master Plan
CDFW is issuing a CESA Scientific, Educational or Management Permit pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 2081, subdivision (a) for the Project, which authorizes take and possession of the California Endangered Santa Cruz tarplant for scientific, educational or management purposes. The project includes resource enhancement and protection and is divided into three management areas: the Coastal Prairie/Tarplant Management Area, the Arana Gulch Riparian and Wetland Management Areas, and the Hagemann Gulch Riparian Woodland Management Area. The purpose of the project is to provide for the restoration, enhancement, and long-term management of these management areas as self-sustaining and functioning habitats in perpetuity. The Project has a primary focus on the coastal prairie and recovery of the Santa Cruz tarplant populations that have been documented at the Project Location.
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9 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Santa Cruz Arana Gulch Habitat Management Plan (CA Endangered Species Act (CESA) Scientific, Educational or Management Permit No. 2081(a)-13-013-RP (Permit))
City of Santa Cruz Arana Gluch Master Plan and Broadway-Brommer Bike/Pedestrian Path Project
City of Santa Cruz Arana Gluch Master Plan and Broadway-Brommer Bike/Pedestrian Path Project
City of Santa Cruz Arana Gluch Park Master Plan
City of Santa Cruz Arana Gluch Master Plan
City of Santa Cruz Arana Gluch Master Plan
City of Santa Cruz Arana Gluch Master Plan
City of Santa Cruz Arana Gluch Park Master Plan
City of Santa Cruz Arana Gluch Park Master Plan