SCH Number 2005062010

Project Info

Fallon Village Project
Consideration of a General Plan Amendment, an amendment to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, Planned development rezoning and Stage 1 Planned Development amendments for portions of the Jordan Ranch (re-designating an existing Community Park site to a joint School/Park site and changing an existing Mixed Use land use to Medium Density Residential); Subarea 3 (re-designating 10.75 acres from Rural Residential/Agricultural to Park/Public Recreation); and the Wallis Ranch (re-designating a 1.9 acre site in the south portion of the property from Semi-Public to Park land) properties in the Eastern Dublin Planning area. Consideration of a Planned Development rezone and Stage 2 Development Plan, Site Development Review and Vesting Tentative Maps for Jordan Ranch Parcel H (45 Units) and Neighborhood 7 (105 units). The City prepared a MND under CEQA Guidelines sections 15162/15163, based on the prior certified Eastern Dublin EIR, the EDPO EIR and the Fallon Village EIR. Statements of Overriding Considerations were adopted in connection with significant unavoidable impacts identified in the prior EIRs; no additional unavoidable impacts were identified in the project MND.
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20 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Dublin Fallon Village Development Project - Jordan Ranch/Subarea 3/Wallis Ranch - General Plan Amendment for potions of 1993 Eastern Dublin Environmental Impact Report
City of Dublin Fallon Village Development Project - Jordan Ranch/Subarea 3/Wallis Ranch - Planned Development Rezone and Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan, Jordan Ranch Dev
City of Dublin Jordan Ranch Development Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2011-005-03 Amendment 3) (ITP)
City of Dublin Jordan Ranch Phase 2
City of Dublin Jordan Ranch Phase 2
City of Dublin Calabria at Positano
City of Dublin Calabria at Positano
City of Dublin Calabria at Positano
City of Dublin D-3 Cortona II at Positano
City of Dublin Fallon Crossing Development Project (CA Endangered Species Act (CESA) Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2011-003-03)
City of Dublin Jordan Ranch Development
City of Dublin Fallon Village Project (Issuance of California Endangered Species Act CESA: Fish & G. Code, Section 2050 et seq.) Incidental Take Permit (ITP) #2081-2008-023-03
City of Dublin Livorno at Positano
City of Dublin Cortona at Positano
City of Dublin Fallon Village Development Project
City of Dublin Anderson Property EIR Addendum
City of Dublin Fallon Village Development Project (PA 04-040)
City of Dublin Fallon Village Development Project (PA 04-040)
City of Dublin Fallon Village Project
City of Dublin Fallon Village Project