SCH Number 2005042031

Project Info

Ladd Associates Surface Mining / Conditional Use Permits and Reclamation Plan
A Conditional Use Permit, Surface Mining Permit, Reclamation Plan and review of financial assurance cost estimates for a surface mining operation with a 15-year permit term. The site currently consists of a large sandstone outcrop, and the project proposes intermittent extraction of up to 100,000 tons per year upon demand. The projected economic life of the quarry is 30 years. The rock product is to be utilized for commercial rip rap. The site is surrounded by timberlands and ranch lands. Access to the site is via a private, unsurfaced road that connects to Alderpoint Road. The road will be extended several hundred feet to the quarry site, and will cross Hoagland Creek and an unnamed intermittent creek, both of which are tributaries of the Van Duzen River.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Humboldt County Ladd Associates Conditional Use Permit/Surface Mining Permit/Reclamation Plan
Humboldt County Ladd Associates Surface Mining / Conditional Use Permits and Reclamation Plan
Humboldt County Ladd Associates Surface Mining / Conditional Use Permits and Reclamation Plan