SCH Number 2005011097

Project Info

City of Buellton General Plan Update Phase 2
CDFW is intending to execute a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code (#1600-2014-0231-R5), to the Project applicant, Eldon Shiffman, Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians. The Project proposes to build a low-income apartment complex along Zaca Creek, including a 10-foot wide Decomposed Granite walking path along the top of the bank and two storm drain outlets, and ungrouted rock rip-rap as energy dissipaters. The setback from the top of bank varies from 11 feet to 50 feet due to the City of Buelton's occupancy requirement, but all drainage is designed to flow away from the creek and the drainage is proposed to be collected and discharged to a gravel infiltration bed filter with ultimate discharge of overflow to the creek. Permanent installations within 50 feet of the top of the bank will include: utilities, storm drain, pavement, gravel infiltration bed, landscaping, fencing, retaining wall, and rain outlets. The existing bank is covered with concrete rubble and rip-rap. Vegetation is growing within the concrete rip-rap and it was agreed that the impacts to remove the concrete would add to the disturbance, therefore the concrete shall be covered in clean soil and planted with native plants. All non-native plants including trees will be removed. The area contains a large concrete crossing structure that has collapsed and is functioning as a fish barrier. This structure will be removed as part of the mitigation for the lack of setback to the top of bank. The area is highly impacted and was used to house a petting zoo. There are scattered concrete cage pads, non-native trees, and rubble within the Project site.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Buellton Low Income Housing, Zaca Creek Project
City of Buellton Phase 2 of the City of Buellton General Plan Update
City of Buellton City of Buellton General Plan Update Phase 2
City of Buellton Phase 2 of the City of Buellton General Plan Update
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City of Buellton Buellton General Plan Land Use Element and Circulation Element Updates