SCH Number 2005011077

Project Info

Big Rock Creek Siphon Turnout
The project involves the necessary improvements to provide a maximum annual delivery of 1,700 AF or a maximum instantaneous flow rate of 10,000 gpm of AVEK's long-term water supply contracted Table A allotment obtained from the existing south Big Rock Creek Siphon blowoff structure to the edge of the Department of Water Resources right-of-way. The necessary improvements will be contained within approximately a 6,000 sf footprint and will include connection to the existing blowoff structure, ~130 linear ft of 20 inch diameter transmission piping, and a flow meter and metering vault. The water from this project will be for future use by the Scattaglia orchard filters and pumps, and to the Crystalaire golf course pond, located within the County of Los Angeles.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency (AVEK) Big Rock Creek Siphon Turnout
Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency (AVEK) Big Rock Creek Siphon Turnout