SCH Number 2004122125
Project Info
- Title
- Rohnert Park Sewer Interceptor / Outfall Project
- Description
- The project consists of the construction 3.5 miles of a buried 30-inch interceptor pipeline and its outfall at the regional wastewater treatment plant. The new pipeline will lie primarily in local roadways beginning from the City of Rohnert Park's Sewer Pump Station on Redwood Drive and terminating at the Santa Rosa Subregional Water Reclamation Facility (Laguna Plant) on Llano Road. The City has initiated the Sewer Interceptor / Outfall Project to increase reliability and capacity of its sewer conveyance system. The existing 24-inch force main was constructed in 1975, is nearing the end of its reliable service life, and has limited capacity to convey peak wet weather flows from the City. In addition, the existing force main represents a weak link in the critical sewer conveyance system, and this second force main will provide redundancy and increase reliability for the City's sewer conveyance system. The City is requesting funding for the project from the State Water Resources Control Board, State Revolving Fund Loan Program.
2 documents in project