SCH Number 2004092057

Project Info

Rockaway Miller Sediment Reduction and Revegetation Project
Restoration of approximately 3/4 mile of Miller Creek near Geyserville by recontouring several spoil piles which were deposited along approximately 500 feet of the south bank of the creek by a prior owner, removing invasive exotic vegetation (including Himalaya blackberry, Scotch broom, French broom, and blue periwinkle), and revegetating both banks with native riparian vegetation. Spoil piles at the top-of-bank will be laid back to a maximum 2:1 slope. Other spoil piles within the flood plain area will be smoothed out, and compacted to create a more stable and natural landform. Once the spoil piles have been recontoured, the site wil be seeded with an erosion control mix and planted with native riparian tree and shrub species, including California wild rose, big-leaf maple, buckeye, madrone, Oregon ash, coast live oak, valley oak, black oak, and other appropriate species. The California Department of Fish and Game is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement number 1600-2004-0744-3 pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project operator, Kara Heckert, Sotoyome Resource Conservation District.
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Sotoyome Resource Conservation District Rockaway Miller Creek Restoration Project
Sotoyome Resource Conservation District Rockaway Miller Sediment Reduction and Revegetation Project