SCH Number 2004082097

Project Info

Markovits & Fox, Inc.
Excavation of soil with concentrations of PCBs exceeding 10 mg per kg approximately 470 cy and disposing it off site at a properly licensed facility. 25,000 cy of soil containing chemicals of concern (COC), above the site specific residential cleanup goals, including PCB concentrations greater than 1 mg/kg, but less than 10 mg/kg, will be excavated and consolidated in the northwestern portion of the site. COCs at the site include PCBs, DDT, lead, arsenic, chromium (+3), and petroleum hydrocarbons. After the contaminated soil is consolidated in the new consolidation cell, it will be capped along the existing consolidation cell in accordance with TSCA regulations and deed restricted. The cap and cover material overlying both consolidation cells will include two foot thick compacted foundation layer; a one foot thick TSCA compliant soil layer, with a maximum permeability of 1 x 10 (to the -7) cm per second; and an erosion-resistant vegetation layer. Project will also include semi-annual groundwater monitoring of four wells in the vicinity of the existing consolidation cell.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Old Oakland Road Site
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Markovits & Fox, Inc.