SCH Number 2004012097

Project Info

2018 Alves Ranch Project
The 2018 Alves Ranch Project consists of the development of 356 dwelling units on approximately 25.93 acres, as well as rezoning 12 acres of the project site for neighborhood-serving commercial uses. The project would include: 1) A General Plan Amendment to change the existing land use designations from a combination of Business Commercial and High Density Residential to a combination of Community Commercial and Medium Density Residential; 2) a zoning map amendment to change the site zoning from a combination of Office Commercial with a Master Plan Overlay and High Density Residential with a Master Plan Overlay to a combination of Community Commercial and Planned Development; 3) approval of a vesting tentative map to subdivide the property; 4) design review; and 5) an amendment to the existing development agreement.
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9 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Pittsburg 2018 Alves Ranch Project
City of Pittsburg 2018 Alves Ranch Project
City of Pittsburg 2018 Alves Ranch Project
City of Pittsburg Vista Del Mar EIR Addendum for the Alves Ranch Development (Design Review and Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map Approval)
City of Pittsburg Vista Del Mar (Alves Ranch)
City of Pittsburg Vista Del Mar (Alves Ranch)
City of Pittsburg Vista Del Mar Subdivision
City of Pittsburg Vista Del Mar Subdivision
City of Pittsburg Vista Del Mar (Alves Ranch)