SCH Number 2003112001

Project Info

U&S Street In-Line Storage Project
The Proposed Project/Action consists of constructing in-line storage capacity within the City's existing combined sewer system, and modifying the Sump 1A pumps. Specifically, approximately 800 feet of 54-inch Combined Sewer (CS) pipeline would be installed approximately 5 feet below surface, parallel to the existing combined sewer pipeline on S Street between 5th and 7th. Additionally, approximately 1,350 feet of 84-inch diameter pipe would be installed in U Street, 5-8 feet below the surface, parallel to the existing 84-inch CS. This pipe would extend from 3rd Street, where the microtunneled pipe ended to 5th Street. Concrete structures will be constructed at the connection to the existing sump 1A wet well, and at the 5th / U Street and at the 5th / S Street intersections. Finally, the installation of approximately 550 linear feet of 84-inch OD sewer would require microtunnelling beneath I-5.
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City of Sacramento U&S Street In-Line Storage Project
City of Sacramento U&S Street In-Line Storage Project