SCH Number 2003082005

Project Info

Capitola Center Expansion and Renovation Project
The project involves upgrading an existing storm drain outlet to the left bank of Soquel Creek, installation of a Stormceptor pollution prevention device (silt and grease trap) and a rock energy dissipater. This work in the stream zone project is being completed as a portion of the overall remodeling, renovation, expansion and construction of existing and new commercial buildings in the Capitola Center. The above scope of work will require construction within the riparian corridor and possible removal of riparian vegetation. According to a February 12, 2003 ecological review by Biotic Resources Group, approximately 500 square feet of riparian area may be directly impacted by this work, and riparian trees may need to be limbed to provide construction access. To mitigate the above scope of work, additional landscaping will be established including a large natural riparian restoration area abutting Soquel Creek. Within the approximately 500 square feet impacted area, invasive, and exotic plant species will be removed per the outline in Streambed Alteration Agreement # 1600-2005-0131-3. The impacted area will be revegetated with native plant species. The California Department of Fish and Game is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement number 1600-2005-0054-3 pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project operator, Craig French, Managing Director / Redtree Properties, L. P.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Capitola Capitola Center Renovation and Expansion
City of Capitola Capitola Center Renovation and Expansion
City of Capitola Capitola Center Expansion and Renovation Project
City of Capitola Capitola Center Renovation and Expansion