SCH Number 2003061065

Project Info

TM 5267RPL, Log No. 01-09-057; Roberts Residential Subdivision
This revised Tentative Map would approve revised access to previously approved residential lots. The proposal would shorten the previously approved on-site private easement road and add another access point from Archie Moore Road. A 275-foot long private easement road called Red Hawk Vista would be accessed from Salt Mine Road. An approximate 250-foot long private road easement ending in a cul-de-sac called Mt. Woodson Heights Road would be accessed from Archie Moore Road. Overall, a reduction of 425 feet of on-site private easement road would occur and overall soil disturbance would be reduced by approximately 24,000 cubic yards of soil. Minor lot line changes are proposed which substantially conform to the previously approved subdivision.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Diego County Roberts Residential Subdivision - TM 5267RPL, Log No. 01-09-057
San Diego County Roberts Residential Subdivision - TM 5267RPL, Log No. 01-09-057
San Diego County TM 5267RPL, Log No. 01-09-057; Roberts Residential Subdivision